GNOME Builder 3.22.4,改进对 Flatpak 的支持

来源:开源中国社区 作者:局长

GNOME Builder 3.22.4 发布了。这是 3.22 系列稳定版的第四个维护版本。该版本改善了应用程序的各种组件和功能,也解决了许多自 GNOME Builder 3.22.3 发布以来用户报告的问题。


  • 各种构建系统改进

  • 对构建 Flatpak 软件包的更好支持

  • 改进 Vim 和单元测试

  • vala 自动完成的细小增强

  • 用户界面调整到项目创建

  • 对 Meson 构建系统的更好支持

  • 少数漏洞修复


 • Some minor improvements to vala auto-completion
 • UI tweaks to project creation view for better discovery
 • Allow wider content in the file selection popover
 • Improve cache eviction when certain project files change
 • Allow talking to FileManager1 DBUS interface from flatpak
 • A handful of leak fixes
 • Improved unit tests
 • Avoid overzealous background project builds
 • Runtimes can now translate paths to files such as headers so that the processes outside the runtime can access them.
 • Allow libclang to parse files inside of Flatpak runtimes. This ensures that autocompletion and diagnostics work when building against org.gnome.Sdk
 • Autotools will discover gmake vs make from the runtime
 • A "clone and edit this flatpak" feature as been added using the -m command line option. This integrates with some GNOME-based compositors to allow an "edit this app" feature.
 • Various build system improvements
 • Improved support for building flatpaks
 • Improved support for the meson build system
 • Builder depends on a newer VTE for various regex features and now the build system configure check reflects that.
 • Some vim improvements

时间:2016-12-29 08:26 来源:开源中国社区 作者:局长 原文链接

