Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.5.16 发布了,Oak 是一个可伸缩、高性能分层次的内容资源库。这是 Jackrabbit 的子项目之一。
[OAK-5274] - Document CLI tools for oak-segment-tar
[OAK-5292] - The README in oak-run should link to the documentation for oak-segment-tar
[OAK-5299] - Introduce BlobFactory in OakDirectory
[OAK-3328] - checked-in state should only affect properties with OPV!=IGNORE
[OAK-4687] - Issue with backgroundOperationLock handling in exception case
[OAK-5238] - IndexCopier causes concurrent update on NodeBuilder
[OAK-5240] - Test failure: IndexSanityCheckerTest.sizeMismatch()
[OAK-5254] - MultiplexingNodeStoreService does not pick up Observers registered through the whiteboard
[OAK-5258] - LuceneIndexEditor skips indexing for unknown nodetype due to stale NodeType registry state
[OAK-5259] - Better default for size delta estimation
[OAK-5297] - Check for null homeDir in DataStoreCacheUpgradeUtils
[OAK-5300] - OakDirectory.fileLength() must throw FileNotFoundException if file does not exist
[OAK-5305] - NRTIndex link to previous index leads to memory leak
[OAK-5327] - Change default query limit configuration, take 2
[OAK-5333] - Standalone example does not work with mongo Epic
[OAK-3270] - Improve DocumentMK resilience
[OAK-3976] - journal should support large(r) entries
[OAK-4069] - Use read concern majority when connected to a replica set
[OAK-4978] - Expose maintainence related MBeans for Segment NodeStores created via factory
[OAK-5060] - Make DocumentNodeStore.alignWithExternalRevisions more chatty
[OAK-5186] - ChangeSetFilterImpl: support many includePaths by filtering for 1st path name
[OAK-5189] - SegmentRevisionGC should expose unformatted timestamps
[OAK-5225] - Online compaction throttling
[OAK-5237] - Change default query limit configuration
[OAK-5271] - IndexDefinitionBuilder should ignore safe change in "async" for determining reindex flag value
[OAK-5295] - Allow chaining of include in building aggregation rule via IndexDefinitionBuilder
[OAK-5303] - Improve readability of SegmentNodeStoreService
[OAK-5317] - MongoBlobStore creates _id index unnecessarily
[OAK-4452] - Consistently use the term segment-tar
[OAK-5198] - Javadoc and Documentation of ExternalGroupRef
[OAK-5199] - Test coverage for ExternalGroupRef
[OAK-5256] - Add type property to LuceneIndexEditorProvider
[OAK-5257] - Pass CommitContext as part of CommitInfo in OakInitializer
[OAK-5294] - Update Oak trunk to Jackrabbit 2.13.6
[OAK-5319] - Remove ReversedLinesFileReaderTestParamBlockSize