Apache PDFBox 2.0.3 发布了。Apache PDFBox库是一个开源的Java工具用于处理PDF文档。该版本修复了一些bug以及功能的提升。
Bug 修复:
[PDFBOX-3300] - 缺少字形时的显示空格
[PDFBOX-3375] - 对单例使用静态锁
[PDFBOX-3396] - 压缩AcroForm与可见标志字段ETSI.CAdES.detached
[PDFBOX-3262] - AcroForm flattening will cause hidden fields become visible
[PDFBOX-3432] - Optimize CID to GlyphId mapping (TTF)
[PDFBOX-3502] - add character spacing to content stream
[PDFBOX-3529] - Read overprint attributes
[PDFBOX-3537] - Create example of AcroForm creation with field that has two widgets
[PDFBOX-3541] - Use /L entry to determine if a linearized file shall be treated as such for PDF/A validation
[PDFBOX-3547] - [Patch] Improved signing of existing signature fields
[PDFBOX-3552] - Allow external signing in two steps
[PDFBOX-3567] - Process softmasks in ExtractImages
[PDFBOX-3589] - Double negative float
[PDFBOX-3599] - Support 16 bit JPG2000 images
[PDFBOX-3618] - Helvetica in PDF/A - warn in PDType1Font.java about licensing issues
[PDFBOX-3563] - Create sample code for creating a PDF with patterns
[PDFBOX-3539] - Close Document after printing