CentOS 7.3 发布了,CentOS 是 RHEL(Red Hat Enterprise Linux)源代码再编译的产物,而且在 RHEL 的基础上修正了不少已知的 Bug ,相对于其他 Linux 发行版,其稳定性值得信赖。
Since release 1503 (abrt>= 2.1.11-19.el7.centos.0.1) CentOS-7 can report bugs directly to bugs.centos.org. You can find information about that feature at this page.
Various new packages include among others: python-gssapi, python-netifaces, mod_auth_openidc, pidgin and Qt5.
Support for the 7th-generation Core i3, i5, and i7 Intel processors and I2C on 6th-generation Core Processors has been added.
Various packages have been rebased. Some of those are samba, squid, systemd, krb5, gcc-libraries, binutils, gfs-utils, libreoffice, GIMP,SELinux, firewalld, libreswan, tomcat and open-vm-tools.
SHA2 is now supported by OpenLDAP.
ECC-support has been added to OPenJDK-8, PerlNet:SSLeay and PerlIO::Socket::SSL.
Bluetooth LE is now supported.
virt-p2v is now fully supported. virt-v2v and virt-p2v add support for the latest windows releases.
Lots of updated storage, network and graphics drivers.
Technology Preview: Among others support of Btrfs, OverlayFS, CephFS, DNSSEC, kpatch, the Cisco VIC and usNIC kernel driver, nested virtualization with KVM and multi-threaded xz compression with rpm-builds.
If you plan to use Security Profiles in Anaconda, please see this link.
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