数据仓库平台 Apache Hive 2.1.1 发布了。本次部分更新如下:
[HIVE-13409] - Fix JDK8 test failures related to COLUMN_STATS_ACCURATE
[HIVE-13549] - Remove jdk version specific out files from Hive2
[HIVE-13587] - Set Hive pom to use Hadoop 2.6.1
[HIVE-13593] - HiveServer2: Performance instrumentation for HIVE-12049 (serializing thrift ResultSets in tasks)
[HIVE-13723] - Executing join query on type Float using Thrift Serde will result in Float cast to Double error
[HIVE-13798] - Fix the unit test failure org.apache.hadoop.hive.cli.TestCliDriver.testCliDriver_ivyDownload
[HIVE-13803] - More aggressive inference of transitive predicates for inner joins
[HIVE-13860] - Fix more json related JDK8 test failures
[HIVE-13901] - Hivemetastore add partitions can be slow depending on filesystems
[HIVE-13965] - Empty resultset run into Exception when using Thrift Binary Serde
[HIVE-14028] - stats is not updated
[HIVE-14039] - HiveServer2: Make the usage of server with JDBC thirft serde enabled, backward compatible for older clients
[HIVE-14191] - bump a new api version for ThriftJDBCBinarySerde changes
[HIVE-14276] - Update protocol version in TOpenSessionReq and TOpenSessionResp
[HIVE-14277] - Disable StatsOptimizer for all ACID tables
[HIVE-9423] - HiveServer2: Provide the user with different error messages depending on the Thrift client exception code
[HIVE-10022] - Authorization checks for non existent file/directory should not be recursive
[HIVE-11402] - HS2 - add an option to disallow parallel query execution within a single Session
[HIVE-13191] - DummyTable map joins mix up columns between tables
[HIVE-13264] - JDBC driver makes 2 Open Session Calls for every open session
[HIVE-13369] - AcidUtils.getAcidState() is not paying attention toValidTxnList when choosing the "best" base file
[HIVE-13392] - disable speculative execution for ACID Compactor
[HIVE-13539] - HiveHFileOutputFormat searching the wrong directory for HFiles
[HIVE-13590] - Kerberized HS2 with LDAP auth enabled fails in multi-domain LDAP case
[HIVE-13610] - Hive exec module won't compile with IBM JDK
[HIVE-13648] - ORC Schema Evolution doesn't support same type conversion for VARCHAR, CHAR, or DECIMAL when maxLength or precision/scale is different
[HIVE-13704] - Don't call DistCp.execute() instead of DistCp.run()
[HIVE-13725] - ACID: Streaming API should synchronize calls when multiple threads use the same endpoint
[HIVE-13744] - LLAP IO - add complex types support
[HIVE-13749] - Memory leak in Hive Metastore
[HIVE-13809] - Hybrid Grace Hash Join memory usage estimation didn't take into account the bloom filter size
[HIVE-13836] - DbNotifications giving an error = Invalid state. Transaction has already started
[HIVE-13874] - Tighten up EOF checking in Fast DeserializeRead classes; display better exception information; add new Unit Tests
[HIVE-13932] - Hive SMB Map Join with small set of LIMIT failed with NPE
[HIVE-13934] - Configure Tez to make nocondiional task size memory available for the Processor
[HIVE-13985] - ORC improvements for reducing the file system calls in task side
[HIVE-13991] - Union All on view fail with no valid permission on underneath table
[HIVE-13997] - Insert overwrite directory doesn't overwrite existing files
[HIVE-14000] - (ORC) Changing a numeric type column of a partitioned table to lower type set values to something other than 'NULL'
[HIVE-14003] - queries running against llap hang at times - preemption issues
[HIVE-14004] - Minor compaction produces ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 7 in SchemaEvolution.getFileType
[HIVE-14012] - some ColumnVector-s are missing ensureSize
[HIVE-14022] - left semi join should throw SemanticException if where clause contains columnname from right table
[HIVE-14024] - setAllColumns is called incorrectly after some changes
[HIVE-14027] - NULL values produced by left outer join do not behave as NULL
[HIVE-14031] - cleanup metadataReader in OrcEncodedDataReader
[HIVE-14034] - Vectorization may fail with compex OR conditions
[HIVE-14038] - miscellaneous acid improvements
[HIVE-14041] - llap scripts add hadoop and other libraries from the machine local install to the daemon classpath
[HIVE-14045] - (Vectorization) Add missing case for BINARY in VectorizationContext.getNormalizedName method
[HIVE-14055] - directSql - getting the number of partitions is broken
[HIVE-14059] - Missing license headers for two files
[HIVE-14062] - Changes from HIVE-13502 overwritten by HIVE-13566
[HIVE-14071] - HIVE-14014 breaks non-file outputs
[HIVE-14072] - QueryIds reused across different queries
[HIVE-14073] - update config whiltelist for sql std authorization
[HIVE-14076] - Vectorization is not supported for datatype:VOID error while inserting data into specific columns
[HIVE-14079] - Remove file, method and line number from pattern layout
[HIVE-14083] - ALTER INDEX in Tez causes NullPointerException
[HIVE-14090] - JDOExceptions thrown by the Metastore have their full stack trace returned to clients
[HIVE-14092] - Kryo exception when deserializing VectorFileSinkOperator
[HIVE-14098] - Logging task properties, and environment variables might contain passwords
[HIVE-14111] - better concurrency handling for TezSessionState - part I
[HIVE-14114] - Ensure RecordWriter in streaming API is using the same UserGroupInformation as StreamingConnection
[HIVE-14122] - VectorMapOperator: Missing update to AbstractMapOperator::numRows
[HIVE-14132] - Don't fail config validation for removed configs
[HIVE-14136] - LLAP ZK SecretManager should resolve _HOST in principal
[HIVE-14137] - Hive on Spark throws FileAlreadyExistsException for jobs with multiple empty tables
[HIVE-14140] - LLAP: package codec jars
[HIVE-14144] - Permanent functions are showing up in show functions, but describe says it doesn't exist
[HIVE-14147] - Hive PPD might remove predicates when they are defined as a simple expr e.g. WHERE 'a'
[HIVE-14152] - datanucleus.autoStartMechanismMode should set to 'Ignored' to allow rolling downgrade
[HIVE-14153] - Beeline: beeline history doesn't work on Hive2
[HIVE-14163] - LLAP: use different kerberized/unkerberized zk paths for registry
[HIVE-14172] - LLAP: force evict blocks by size to handle memory fragmentation
[HIVE-14173] - NPE was thrown after enabling directsql in the middle of session
[HIVE-14175] - Fix creating buckets without scheme information
[HIVE-14176] - CBO nesting windowing function within each other when merging Project operators
[HIVE-14178] - Hive::needsToCopy should reuse FileUtils::equalsFileSystem
[HIVE-14184] - Adding test for limit pushdown in presence of grouping sets
[HIVE-14187] - JDOPersistenceManager objects remain cached if MetaStoreClient#close is not called
[HIVE-14188] - LLAPIF: wrong user field is used from the token
[HIVE-14192] - False positive error due to thrift
[HIVE-14195] - HiveMetaStoreClient getFunction() does not throw NoSuchObjectException
[HIVE-14197] - LLAP service driver precondition failure should include the values
[HIVE-14205] - Hive doesn't support union type with AVRO file format
[HIVE-14207] - Strip HiveConf hidden params in webui conf
[HIVE-14210] - ExecDriver should call jobclient.close() to trigger cleanup
[HIVE-14214] - ORC Schema Evolution and Predicate Push Down do not work together (no rows returned)
[HIVE-14215] - Displaying inconsistent CPU usage data with MR execution engine
[HIVE-14218] - LLAP: ACL validation fails if the user name is different from principal user name
[HIVE-14222] - PTF: Operator initialization does not clean state
[HIVE-14223] - beeline should look for jdbc standalone jar in dist/jdbc dir instead of dist/lib
[HIVE-14236] - CTAS with UNION ALL puts the wrong stats in Tez
[HIVE-14241] - Acid clashes with ConfVars.HIVEFETCHTASKCONVERSION <> "none"
[HIVE-14242] - Backport ORC-53 to Hive
[HIVE-14244] - bucketmap right outer join query throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
[HIVE-14245] - NoClassDefFoundError when starting LLAP daemon
[HIVE-14253] - Fix MinimrCliDriver test failure
[HIVE-14262] - Inherit writetype from partition WriteEntity for table WriteEntity
[HIVE-14263] - Log message when HS2 query is waiting on compile lock
[HIVE-14265] - Partial stats in Join operator may lead to data size estimate of 0
[HIVE-14267] - HS2 open_operations metrics not decremented when an operation gets timed out
[HIVE-14268] - INSERT-OVERWRITE is not generating an INSERT event during hive replication
[HIVE-10815] - Let HiveMetaStoreClient Choose MetaStore Randomly
[HIVE-13631] - Support index in HBase Metastore
[HIVE-13982] - Extensions to RS dedup: execute with different column order and sorting direction if possible
[HIVE-14002] - Extend limit propagation to subsequent RS operators
[HIVE-14018] - Make IN clause row selectivity estimation customizable
[HIVE-14021] - When converting to CNF, fail if the expression exceeds a threshold
[HIVE-14057] - Add an option in llapstatus to generate output to a file
[HIVE-14080] - hive.metastore.schema.verification should check for schema compatiblity
[HIVE-14167] - Use work directories provided by Tez instead of directly using YARN local dirs
[HIVE-14213] - Add timeouts for various components in llap status check
[HIVE-14228] - Better row count estimates for outer join during physical planning
[HIVE-14383] - SparkClientImpl should pass principal and keytab to spark-submit instead of calling kinit explicitely
[HIVE-14545] - HiveServer2 with http transport mode spends too much time just creating configs
[HIVE-14202] - Change tez version used to 0.8.4
[HIVE-15248] - Add Apache header license to TestCustomPartitionVertex
[HIVE-14212] - hbase_queries result out of date on branch-2.1
[HIVE-14316] - TestLlapTokenChecker.testCheckPermissions, testGetToken fail
[HIVE-14713] - LDAP Authentication Provider should be covered with unit tests