Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.5.14 发布了,Oak 是一个可伸缩、高性能分层次的内容资源库。这是 Jackrabbit 的子项目之一。
[OAK-3159] - Extend documentation for SegmentNodeStoreService in
[OAK-3982] - DocumentStore: add method to remove with a condition on an indexed property
[OAK-3983] - JournalGarbageCollector: use new DocumentStore remove() method
[OAK-3984] - RDBDocumentStore: implement new conditional remove method
[OAK-3985] - MongoDocumentStore: implement new conditional remove method
[OAK-4952] - reject UpdateOp with set operation for _id, clarify API, add tests, fix implementations
[OAK-5095] - Improve normalization of configured path in AbstractSharedCachingDataStore
[OAK-5119] - JournalGarbageCollector: journalGcBatchSize configuration is irrelevant post implementation tasks of bulk remove support in DocumentStore
[OAK-4064] - Ensure oak-remote runs ITs only with integrationTesting
[OAK-4114] - Cached lucene index gets corrupted in case of unclean shutdown and journal rollback in SegmentNodeStore
[OAK-4602] - IndexOutOfBoundsException when sorting by jcr:score + field
[OAK-5069] - Backup fails when called from RepositoryManagementMBean#startBackup
[OAK-5083] - SegmentNotFoundExceptionListener logs Listener ID instead of SegmentId
[OAK-5085] - XPath: union bugfix
[OAK-5087] - Primary instance logs expected SNFEs at ERROR level
[OAK-5088] - o.a.j.o.p.b.d.DataStoreBlobStore#getReference logs WARNING for missing records
[OAK-5093] - Failed compaction should return the number of the incomplete generation
[OAK-5094] - NPE when failing to get the remote head
[OAK-5096] - node type aggregate filter should be added in OR mode (not in AND)
[OAK-5099] - mixing starstar with star.foo in glob path is broken
[OAK-5102] - includeAncestorRemove should not do prefiltering just based on / but actual ancestors
[OAK-5104] - GlobbingPathFilter does not match /a/**/b corrctly
[OAK-5107] - Avoid NullPointerException in ChangeSetFilterImpl
[OAK-5108] - [Blob GC] checkConsistency() should sync available blobs from the datastore
[OAK-5109] - [Test] Ignore if config properties file not available
[OAK-5112] - oak-upgrade breaking versionStorage node when started with copy-versions=false
[OAK-5114] - oak-segment-tar should declare embedded dependencies using compile scope
[OAK-5120] - Automatically convert *all* "or" queries to "union" for SQL-2, take 2
[OAK-5133] - StoreArgument class getter method opens repo in read/write and unsafe MMAP mode
[OAK-2108] - Killing a cluster node may stop async index update to 30 minutes
[OAK-2719] - Misleading warn message about local copy size different than remote copy in oak-lucene with copyOnRead enabled
[OAK-3001] - Simplify JournalGarbageCollector using a dedicated timestamp property
[OAK-3036] - DocumentRootBuilder: revisit update.limit default
[OAK-4696] - Improve logging for SyncHandler
[OAK-4742] - Improve FileStoreStatsMBean
[OAK-4836] - Avoid excessive logging in case of corrupt index or mis-configured index defnition
[OAK-4935] - support prefiltering of async index updates
[OAK-4940] - Consider collecting grand-parent changes in ChangeSet
[OAK-5074] - Configure Async Indexer via OSGi
[OAK-5079] - Diff would not work for bundled nodes when done without journal support
[OAK-5097] - Allow passing custom service prop while registering scheduled jobs
[OAK-5100] - Provide source store external references flag via command line if available
[OAK-5105] - withIncludeAncestorsRemove should support **
[OAK-5106] - Reuse NioEventLoopGroup in standby client
[OAK-5110] - Use Metrics based stats collection in AsyncIndexUpdate
[OAK-5111] - Change default size of the node deduplication cache
[OAK-5113] - Avoid dispatching changes for checkpoint related changes
[OAK-5117] - Improve checkMemory for compaction
[OAK-5123] - Catch any exception in ChangeSetFilterImpl.excludes - and warn.
[OAK-5127] - add 'enabled' flag to ChangeCollectorProvider
[OAK-5131] - IndexDefinitionBuilder to allow for useInSpellcheck and useInSuggest
[OAK-4983] - Add --verify mode to the RepositorySidegrade
[OAK-4938] - clarify contract for UpdateOp with missing operation on _id
[OAK-5036] - switch o.a.j.oak.jcr.observation.filter version to 1.0.0 before oak 1.6 release
[OAK-5080] - Enable bundling by default
[OAK-5115] - IndexCopier#cowCopyDoneOnCloseExceptionHandling test hangs intermittently