Spring Framework 5.0 M3 发布了,主要更新如下:
[SPR-14865] - ServerWebExchangeArgumentResolver should resolve Principal
[SPR-14304] - ObjectToObjectConverter should be able to use constructors on non-public classes
[SPR-14324] - Async advisor retrieval blocks when triggered by singleton init method
[SPR-14597] - CssLinkResourceTransformer is incompatible with ContentVersionStrategy when using Caching
[SPR-14748] - Error while serializing ServerSentEvent
[SPR-14749] - DefaultPersistenceUnitManager may configure a persistence unit root URL that does not point to a file or directory
[SPR-14761] - IPv6 + Origin header + X-Forwarded-Host header gives NumberFormatException (Safari10 / CORS)
[SPR-14767] - ETag header is removed from PUT/POST/PATCH responses
[SPR-14772] - Flux<ServerSentEvent> looses messages when using a Processor from another Thread
[SPR-14778] - SpringValidatorAdapter's ResolvableAttribute is not serializable
[SPR-14781] - @CacheConfig(cacheNames) broken when used on interface
[SPR-14792] - Access-Control-Allow-Methods contains duplicate HTTP methods
[SPR-14794] - Fix HttpRequest#getURI() with Netty based engines
[SPR-14796] - ModelAndView's setStatus does not work for @ExceptionHandler methods
[SPR-14801] - Cache annotation lookup in 4.3 finds more annotations than in 4.2
[SPR-14833] - SockJs heartbeat causes deadlock with XHR polling
[SPR-14846] - SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster should not generally suppress ClassCastException
[SPR-14848] - LiveBeansView#unregister should not rely on ApplicationContext#getApplicationName
[SPR-14850] - NPE PropertyOrFieldReference$AccessorLValue due to concurrency issue
[SPR-14851] - ResourceHttpRequestHandler no longer works as prototype bean
[SPR-14853] - Allow @Cacheable method to return java.util.Optional variant of cached value with @Cacheable(sync=true)
[SPR-14859] - JsonObjectDecoder fails to decode some splitted source
[SPR-14863] - SpEL: Compiled OpNE should favor equals() to !=
[SPR-14869] - [spring-web-reactive] NPE in RequestMappingHandlerAdapter at Startup
[SPR-14876] - Wrong HandlerResultHandler select when dealing with exceptions
[SPR-14877] - Returning Mono<ResponseEntity<?>> causes NPE
[SPR-8282] - BindingResult should not hold on to ConversionService when serialized in session
[SPR-10502] - context:property-placeholder should accept comma-separated list as placeholder value for its location attribute
[SPR-14277] - Allow customization of TestDispatcherServlet when using @MockMvcTest
[SPR-14408] - Introduce HttpHeaders getContentDisposition() and setContentDisposition()
[SPR-14583] - Method getMergedProperties in ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource does not set fileTimestamp
[SPR-14649] - Support @EnabledIf and @DisabledIf without loading ApplicationContext
[SPR-14680] - Add way to obtain Principal from ServerWebExchange
[SPR-14717] - Print request body in PrintingResultHandler in Spring MVC Test
[SPR-14726] - Add support for context paths in Spring Web Reactive
[SPR-14737] - YAML + PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer needs to process non-String values as well
[SPR-14739] - Default async timeout handling results in Logged Exception for Tomcat 8.5.x
[SPR-14744] - Netty4ClientHttpRequestFactory should configure a default SslContext
[SPR-14747] - Improve performance of StompEncoder.encode()
[SPR-14750] - Close resources in WebClient and ClientHttpConnector
[SPR-14754] - Add @EnableWebReactive and WebReactiveConfigurerAdapter configuration model
[SPR-14760] - Reduce String allocations in TransactionAspectSupport.methodIdentification()
[SPR-14776] - Only print printable content for request and response body in Spring MVC Test
[SPR-14780] - Remove @Inherited from @Primary
[SPR-14783] - Inner bean behind BeanFactoryPostProcessor should be able to receive application events
[SPR-14790] - Add support for URI templates in redirectedUrl() & forwardedUrl()
[SPR-14791] - StompSubProtocolHandler makes the same assumption about header accessor as SimpleBrokerMessageHandler used to
[SPR-14798] - Better encapsulate and Javadoc CORS configuration defaults
[SPR-14799] - IllegalArgumentException: HttpEntity parameter 'null'
[SPR-14810] - Remove not existing NativeJdbcExtractors from documentation
[SPR-14811] - Replace J2EE with Java EE
[SPR-14815] - Hibernate 5 LocalSessionFactoryBean should allow for dynamic mapping registration (like for Hibernate 4)
[SPR-14816] - Allow type produced by ScopedProxyFactoryBean to be determined before singleton is created
[SPR-14822] - GenericConversionService.addConverter should be able to determine generic types from target class behind proxy
[SPR-14825] - Do not use Jackson2JsonEncoder for byte array
[SPR-14826] - ResolvableType equals method should not consider TypeProvider source
[SPR-14830] - Support @ResponseStatus on reactive controller methods
[SPR-14831] - Type information not available on NoSuchBeanDefinitionException for collections
[SPR-14837] - ApplicationContext-based initialization of reactive WebFilter, WebHandler, WebExceptionHandler infrastructure
[SPR-14844] - AnnotationFormatterFactory should support @AliasFor
[SPR-14845] - Make HttpComponentsAsyncClientHttpRequest abortable
[SPR-14847] - TransactionStatus.flush() should trigger TransactionSynchronization.flush() when using DataSourceTransactionManager
[SPR-14852] - Improve WebClient error handling
[SPR-14854] - Consider making MessageChannel a @FunctionalInterface
[SPR-14856] - Possibility to use org.springframework.cache.support.NoOpCacheManager.NoOpCache as public class as NoOpCacheManager
[SPR-14861] - Log exception from @ExceptionHandler at higher level than debug
[SPR-14862] - Use String.intern() for Annotation and Class scanning
[SPR-14867] - Sockjs XHR Fallback on already existing WebSocketServerSockJsSession
[SPR-14879] - ApplicationListenerDetector should ignore non-managed bean instances
[SPR-14883] - Improve exception when failing to create a specific bean due to a NoClassDefFoundError
[SPR-14540] - Reactive HttpMessageReader/Writer for "x-www-form-url-encoded" data
[SPR-14541] - Reactive HTTP request data binding
[SPR-14542] - Reactive HTTP request @ModelAttribute support
[SPR-14543] - Reactive HTTP request @InitBinder support
[SPR-14545] - Reactive HTTP request CORS Support
[SPR-14843] - Add support for RxJava 2 Maybe type
[SPR-14800] - Use StepVerifier from reactor-test and delete TestSubscriber
[SPR-14824] - Modify ReactiveAdapterRegistry to use official RxJava to RS adapter
[SPR-14827] - Align Reactive Web Client with web.reactive.function
[SPR-14724] - Reference Documentation: instruct how RestTemplate should handle the errors thrown about @Validated (JSR 303/349)
[SPR-14743] - Remove RxJava 1.x variants of WebClient adapters
[SPR-14765] - @lookup method injection method documentation
[SPR-14782] - Bad Table Rendering in Default Exception Handling Documentation
[SPR-14793] - EnableAsync javadoc not clear enough
[SPR-14797] - Documentation for InjectionPoint argument on @Bean method
[SPR-14809] - Remove OracleLobHandler from documentation
[SPR-14812] - Documentation on @EventListener SpEL features is not very clear
[SPR-14820] - Reactive Web Client reference documentation error
[SPR-14842] - The contract for StringValueResolver.resolveStringValue should be more explicit
[SPR-14880] - Upgrade to Mockito 2.2
[SPR-14881] - Document supported return types for @Async methods