MongooseJS 4.5.9 发布了。MongooseJS 是基于 node.js,使用 JavaScript 编程,连接 MongoDB数据库的软件包,使MongoDB 的文档数据模型变得优雅起来,方便对 MongoDB 文档型数据库的连接和增删改查等常规数据进行操作。
MongooseJS 是当前使用 mean(mongodb express angularjs nodejs)全栈开发必用的连接数据库软件包。
docs: add mixed schema doc for Object literal #4400 Kikobeats
fix(query): cast $geoWithin and convert mongoose objects to POJOs before casting #4392
fix(schematype): dont cast defaults without parent doc #4390
fix(query): disallow passing empty string to findOne() #4378
fix(document): set single nested doc isNew correctly #4369
fix(types): checks field name correctly with nested arrays and populate #4365
fix(drivers): make debug output copy-pastable into mongodb shell #4352
fix(services): run update validators on nested paths #4332
fix(model): handle typeKey with discriminators #4339
fix(query): apply timestamps to child schemas when explicitly specified in update #4049
fix(schema): set prefix as nested path with add() #1730