TinyMCE 4.4.1 发布了,TinyMCE是一个轻量级的基于浏览器的所见即所得编辑器,支持目前流行的各种浏览器,由JavaScript写成。功能配置灵活简单(两行代码就可以 将编辑器嵌入网页中),支持AJAX。另一特点是加载速度非常快,如果你的服务器采用的脚本语言是 PHP,那还可以进一步优化。最重要的是,TinyMCE是一个根据LGPL license发布的自由软件,你可以把它用于商业应用。
added smart_paste option to paste plugin to allow disabling the paste behavior if needed.
fixed bug where png urls wasn't properly detected by the smart paste logic.
fixed bug where the element path wasn't working properly when multiple editor instances where used.
fixed bug with creating lists out of multiple paragraphs would just create one list item instead of multiple.
fixed bug where scroll position wasn't properly handled by the inlite theme to place the toolbar properly.
fixed bug where multiple instances of the editor using the inlite theme didn't render the toolbar properly.
fixed bug where the shortcut label for fullscreen mode didn't match the actual shortcut key.
fixed bug where it wasn't possible to select cE=false blocks using touch devices on for example iOS.
fixed bug where it was possible to select the child image within a cE=false on IE 11.
fixed so inserts of html containing lists doesn't merge with any existing lists unless it's a paste operation.