Jackson 2.8.0 正式发布,高性能 JSON 处理

来源:开源中国社区 作者:淡漠悠然

Jackson 2.8.0 正式发布了,Jackson 是一个 Java 用来处理 JSON 格式数据的类库。


#86: Allow inclusion of request body for `JsonParseException`
 (contributed by LokeshN)
#117: Add `JsonParser.Feature.ALLOW_MISSING_VALUES` to support for missing values
 (contributed by LokeshN)
#136: Add `JsonpCharacterEscapes` for easier handling of potential problems
 with JSONP and rare but technically allowed \u2028 and \u2029 linefeed characters
#253: Add `JsonGenerator. writeEmbeddedObject()` to allow writes of opaque native types
 (suggested by Gregoire C)
#255: Relax ownership checks for buffers not to require increase in size
#257: Add `writeStartObject(Object pojo)` to streamline assignment of current value
#265: `JsonStringEncoder` should allow passing `CharSequence`
 (contributed by Mikael S)
#276: Add support for serializing using `java.io.DataOutput`
#277: Add new scalar-array write methods for `int`/`long`/`double` cases
#279: Support `DataInput` for parsing
#280: Add `JsonParser.finishToken()` to force full, non-lazy reading of current token
#281: Add `JsonEOFException` as sub-class of `JsonParseException`
#282: Fail to report error for trying to write field name outside Object (root level)
#285: Add `JsonParser.getText(Writer)`
 (contributed by LokesN)
#290: Add `JsonGenerator.canWriteFormattedNumbers()` for introspection
#294: Add `JsonGenerator.writeFieldId(long)` method to support binary formats
 with non-String keys
#296: `JsonParserSequence` skips a token on a switched Parser
 (reported by Kevin G)
- Add `JsonParser.currentToken()` and `JsonParser.currentTokenId()` as replacements
  for `getCurrentToken()` and `getCurrentTokenId()`, respectively. Existing methods
will likely be deprecated in 2.9.


时间:2016-07-04 22:25 来源:开源中国社区 作者:淡漠悠然 原文链接

