GitLab 8.5.10, 8.4.8,8.3.7 和 8.6.5 发布了!
8.6.5 改进记录如下:
EE: Allow OAuth SSL verification to be disabled when importing from GitHub (!323)
CE/EE: Prevent Two-factor Authentication spoofing
CE/EE: Fix for importing projects from GitHub Enterprise (!3529)
CE/EE: Update project language after doing all other operations (!3533)
CE/EE: Check permissions when importing project members (!3535)
CE/EE: Unblocks user when active_directory is disabled and it can be found (!3550)
CE/EE: Only update main language if it is not already set (!3556)
CE/EE: Return status code 303 after a branch DELETE operation to avoid project deletion (!3583)
GitLab 8.5.10, 8.4.8,8.3.7发行说明。
GitLab是一个利用 Ruby on Rails 开发的开源应用程序,实现一个自托管的Git项目仓库,可通过Web界面进行访问公开的或者私人项目。