Node.js v5.9.0发布,JavaScript工具包

来源:开源中国社区 作者:oschina

Node.js v5.9.0发布了。Node.js是一套用来编写高性能网络服务器的JavaScript工具包,一系列的变化由此开始。比较独特的是,Node.js会假设你是在POSIX环境下运行它Linux 或 Mac OS X。如果你是在Windows下,那就需要安装MinGW以获得一个仿POSIX的环境。在Node中,Http是首要的。Node为创建http服务器作了优化,所以你在网上看到的大部分示例和库都是集中在web上(http框架、模板库等)。

Release Types

The Node.js project maintains multiple types of releases:

Stable: Released from active development branches of this repository, versioned by SemVer and signed by a member of the Release Team. Code for Stable releases is organized in this repository by major version number, For example: v4.x. The major version number of Stable releases will increment every 6 months allowing for breaking changes to be introduced. This happens in April and October every year. Stable release lines beginning in October each year have a maximum support life of 8 months. Stable release lines beginning in April each year will convert to LTS (see below) after 6 months and receive further support for 30 months.

LTS: Releases that receive Long-term Support, with a focus on stability and security. Every second Stable release line (major version) will become an LTS line and receive 18 months of Active LTS support and a further 12 months of Maintenance. LTS release lines are given alphabetically ordered codenames, beginning with v4 Argon. LTS releases are less frequent and will attempt to maintain consistent major and minor version numbers, only incrementing patch version numbers. There are no breaking changes or feature additions, except in some special circumstances. More information can be found in the LTS README.

Nightly: Versions of code in this repository on the current Stable branch, automatically built every 24-hours where changes exist. Use with caution.


Binaries, installers, and source tarballs are available at

Stable and LTS releases are available at, listed under their version strings. The latest directory is an alias for the latest Stable release. The latest LTS release from an LTS line is available in the form: latest-codename. For example:

Nightly builds are available at, listed under their version string which includes their date (in UTC time) and the commit SHA at the HEAD of the release.

API documentation is available in each release and nightly directory under docs. to the API documentation of the latest stable version.

时间:2016-03-17 07:58 来源:开源中国社区 作者:oschina 原文链接

