Apache Struts 2.3.25 发布

来源:开源中国社区 作者:loyal

Apache Struts 2.3.25 发布了。

Struts 是 Apache软件基金会(ASF)赞助的一个开源项目。它最初是 Jakarta项目中的一个子项目,并在2004年3月成为ASF的顶级项目。它通过采用 Java Servlet/JSP 技术,实现了基于Java EE Web应用的MVC设计模式的应用框架,是MVC经典设计模式中的一个经典产品。


  • Possible XSS vulnerability in pages not using UTF-8 was fixed, read more details in S2-028

  • Prevents possible RCE when reusing user input in tag's attributes, see more details in S2-029

  • I18NInterceptor narrows selected locale to those available in JVM to reduce possibility of another XSS vulnerability, see more details in S2-030

  • New Configurationprovider type was introduced - ServletContextAwareConfigurationProvider, see WW-4410

  • Setting status code in HttpHeaders isn't ignored anymore, see WW-4545

  • Spring BeanPostProcessor(s) are called only once to constructed objects., see WW-4554


  • OGNL was upgraded to version 3.0.13, see WW-4562


  • Tiles 2 Plugin was upgraded to latest available Tiles 2 version, see WW-4568


  • A dedicated assembly with minimal set of jars was defined, see WW-4570


  •  Struts2 Rest plugin properly handles JSESSIONID with DMI, see WW-4585


  • Improved the Struts2 Rest plugin to honor Accept header, see WW-4588


  • MessageStoreInterceptor was refactored to use PreResultListener to store messages, see WW-4605


  • A new annotation was added to support configuring Tiles - @TilesDefinition, see WW-4606


时间:2016-03-16 21:54 来源:开源中国社区 作者:loyal 原文链接

