原文出处: hujiawei (@五道口宅男)
(2)从递推公式中还可以看出计算当前行i的话,其实只需要一行再加上O(1)的额外空间就行了。因为计算c[i][j]只需要前一行中c[i-1][k] (k>=j-1)的数据,对于k<j-1的数据都是没有用的,而当前行c[i]l的数据都是有用的,要用来计算下一行的值,所以,可以在计算当前行的时候,将当前行的前面计算好的部分复制到前一行中对应位置上,但是c[i][j-1]除外,因为c[i-1][j-1]也是需要的,所以需要额外的O(1)的空间保存c[i][j-1]。
def lcs0(i,j): #string starts at index 0, not 1 if i<0 or j<0: return 0 #attention to this !!! if x[i]==y[j]: return lcs0(i-1,j-1)+1 return max(lcs0(i-1,j),lcs0(i,j-1)) x,y= 'abcde' , 'oaob' lenx,leny=len(x),len(y) print(lcs0(lenx-1,leny-1)) #2 from functools import wraps def memo(func): cache={} @wraps(func) def wrap(*args): if args not in cache: cache[args]=func(*args) return cache[args] return wrap @memo def lcs1(i,j): #string starts at index 0, not 1 if i<0 or j<0: return 0 #attention to this !!! if x[i]==y[j]: return lcs1(i-1,j-1)+1 return max(lcs1(i-1,j),lcs1(i,j-1)) x,y= 'abcde' , 'oaob' lenx,leny=len(x),len(y) print(lcs1(lenx-1,leny-1)) #2 def lcs2(x,y): lenx,leny=len(x),len(y) minlen,maxlen=0,0 if lenx<leny: minlen,maxlen=lenx,leny; x,y=y,x else : minlen,maxlen=leny,lenx; #s is maxlen * minlen s=[[0 for j in range(minlen)] for i in range(maxlen)] for i in range(maxlen): #so, let x be the longer string!!! for j in range(minlen): if x[i]==y[j]: s[i][j]=s[i-1][j-1]+1 else : s[i][j]=max(s[i-1][j],s[i][j-1]) return s x,y= 'abcde' , 'oaob' s=lcs2(x,y) print(s) #[[0, 1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1, 2], [0, 1, 1, 2], [0, 1, 1, 2], [0, 1, 1, 2]] def lcs3(x,y): lenx,leny=len(x),len(y) minlen,maxlen=0,0 if lenx<leny: minlen,maxlen=lenx,leny; x,y=y,x else : minlen,maxlen=leny,lenx; #s is maxlen * minlen pre=[0 for j in range(minlen)] cur=[0 for j in range(minlen)] for i in range(maxlen): #so, let x be the longer string!!! for j in range(minlen): if x[i]==y[j]: cur[j]=pre[j-1]+1 else : cur[j]=max(pre[j],cur[j-1]) pre[:]=cur[:] return cur x,y= 'abcde' , 'oaob' s=lcs3(x,y) print(s) #[2, 2, 2, 2] def lcs4(x,y): lenx,leny=len(x),len(y) minlen,maxlen=0,0 if lenx<leny: minlen,maxlen=lenx,leny; x,y=y,x else : minlen,maxlen=leny,lenx; #s is maxlen * minlen s=[0 for j in range(minlen)] t=0 for i in range(maxlen): #so, let x be the longer string!!! for j in range(minlen): if x[i]==y[j]: s[j]=t+1 else : s[j]=max(s[j],s[j-1]) t=s[j] return s x,y= 'abcde' , 'oaobce' s=lcs4(x,y) print(s) #[3, 3, 3, 3, 4] |
转自 http://blog.jobbole.com/87015/
时间:2015-05-22 08:41