- Scalable Web Architecture and Distributed Systems Kate Matsudaira
- Firefox Release Engineering Chris AtLee, Lukas Blakk, John O'Duinn, and Armen Zambrano Gasparnian
- FreeRTOS Christopher Svec
- GDB Stan Shebs
- The Glasgow Haskell Compiler Simon Marlow and Simon Peyton-Jones
- Git Susan Potter
- GPSD Eric Raymond
- The Dynamic Language Runtime and the Iron Languages Jeff Hardy
- ITK Luis Ibanez and Brad King
- GNU Mailman Barry Warsaw
- matplotlib John Hunter and Michael Droettboom
- MediaWiki Sumana Harihareswara and Guillaume Paumier
- Moodle Tim Hunt
- nginx Andrey Alexeev
- Open MPI Jeff Squyres
- OSCAR Jennifer Ruttan
- Processing.js Mike Kamermans
- Puppet Luke Kanies
- PyPy Benjamin Peterson
- SQLAlchemy Michael Bayer
- Twisted Jessica McKellar
- Yesod Michael Snoyman
- Yocto Elizabeth Flanagan
- ZeroMQ Martin Sústrik
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时间:2012-06-15 17:24