TorqueBox v2.0.0.beta2,Ruby应用平台

来源:开源中国社区 作者:红薯


TorqueBox 团队发布了 2.0 的第二个 Beta 版本,相关链接:


TorqueBox 2.0 Beta2 主要改进内容:

  • JRuby (with better Ruby 1.9 support)
  • JBoss AS7 (faster boot time, smaller memory footprint)
  • Multi-resource distributed XA transactions
  • WebSockets/STOMP



  • [TORQUE-407 ] - 'rails console' Throws Error When Gemfile Includes 'torquebox'
  • [TORQUE-510 ] - CLONE - [BackStage] Display HornetQ cluster configuration
  • [TORQUE-511 ] - CLONE - [BackStage] Add Caches tab view to display infinispan statistics
  • [TORQUE-600 ] - System calls can fail silently when executed from the app server
  • [TORQUE-627 ] - Add profiler option to ruby section of deployment descriptor to allow profiling
  • [TORQUE-628 ] - stomp-endpoint appears to ignore host:
  • [TORQUE-635 ] - Using torque_box_cache Breaks Rake Tasks
  • [TORQUE-639 ] - Publish and link to javadocs/rdocs
  • [TORQUE-640 ] - Allow naming of knob file when deploying
  • [TORQUE-642 ] - Error on stylesheet_link_tag & javascript_include_tag
  • [TORQUE-644 ] - Add rails template behavior to torquebox command
  • [TORQUE-645 ] - Update to AS 7.1.0.beta1b
  • [TORQUE-647 ] - Cannot start Torquebox and deployment failed on Ubuntu, Jruby 1.6.5, RVM, RAils 3.1.3
  • [TORQUE-652 ] - Can't use :torque_box_store in a non-torquebox environment
  • [TORQUE-653 ] - injection analyzer takes forever when confronted with lots of files
  • [TORQUE-655 ] - The TorqueBox config/initializers/session_store.rb created by the TorqueBox Rails template can cause problems when running an app outside of TorqueBox
  • [TORQUE-657 ] - TorqueBox builds generate 2 different gemspecs for the torquebox-* gems
  • [TORQUE-659 ] - Remove vfs from rubyland
  • [TORQUE-661 ] - torquebox run --clustered Broken
  • [TORQUE-663 ] - Add a torquebox archive ROOT subcommand to /bin/torquebox
  • [TORQUE-666 ] - Parse exceptions that occur during injection analysis should be logged and ignored
  • [TORQUE-667 ] - Quiet Injection Analyzer Warnings
  • [TORQUE-668 ] - Applications Containing database.yml Entries With Both jdbcmysql and mysql Adapters Don't Boot
  • [TORQUE-669 ] - rake torquebox:launchd:check aborted because TorqueBoxAgent.plist not installed
  • [TORQUE-670 ] - Need ability to set the client_id on a MessageProcessor for durable topics.


TorqueBox 是一个集成了流行的Ruby技术的忍者级应用平台,与 Ruby on Rails 类似,同时扩大了Ruby应用功能,以支持包括任务调度,任务队列,SOAP 处理和远程通讯。




时间:2012-01-07 08:20 来源:开源中国社区 作者:红薯 原文链接

