Teiid 8.0.alpha1-基于JBoss AS7的Teiid

来源:开源中国社区 作者:红薯


Teiid 团队很高兴的发布了 Teiid 8.0-alpha1 版本,这是 Teiid 首个基于 JBoss AS 7 的版本,这也是 Teiid 下一个主要版本 8.0 的首个发行版本。



  • All the deprecated features from the 7.x release have been removed.
  • AS7 provides completely new way of configuration. Teiid utilizes this new configuration mechanism. Fully Supports CLI based administration.
  • Deployment of artifacts such as vdbs and data sources is different from 7.x releases
  • Class loading in AS7 is modularized, that means no more copying of your jdbc jar files into "lib" directory and expect to work.
  • We are in process of updating the documents to reflect changes (we have done some).
  • Dynamic VDB is not working yet. It will be fixed before final (AS7-1920 )
  • Designer is not yet available for 8.0.0.alpha1 release, however you can still use the older Designer to build the VDB. The preview functionality will not work with new server yet. (This will be coming soon..)
  • No "admin-console" application available yet for Teiid. If you can contribute for this please talk to us. We are looking for developers with GWT experience.



  1. 下载 AS7-CR1 并解压即安装
  2. 下载 Teiid 8.0.alpha1 并解压到 AS7 安装目录


然后你就可以使用独立模式启动 Teiid
${as7-install}/bin/standalone.sh --server-config=standalone-teiid.xml

启动 domain 模式:
${as7-install}/bin/domain.sh -c domain-teiid.xml --host-config=host-teiid.xml




时间:2012-01-06 07:54 来源:开源中国社区 作者:红薯 原文链接

