RichFaces 发布了 4.1.0 的第二个 CR 版本,包含对 CR1 的一些问题的修复,而这个版本如果没发现什么大问题的话,将会直接是最终的正式版。
- showcase tweaks: improving the user experience on both desktop and mobile
- archetype improvements: including the addition of an option for creating a mobile project
- skins: warning messages had an unreadable color on a white background - (warningColor) [RF-11673]
- rich:inplaceInput: a fix for client side validation [RF-11633]
- rich:dataTable: a fix for a regression effecting component decoding [RF-11675]
- rich:calendar: a fix for a regression selecting dates in the popup [RF-11677]
- rich:pickList: a bug converting java arrays when used as backing beans [RF-11680]
- rich:fileUpload: A bug where the list of files in the event omitted the submitted files [RF-11744]
- rich:extendedDataTable: removed cellpadding/cellspacing from EDT, replaced with appropriate CSS [RF-11759]
时间:2011-12-08 08:01
作者:RichFaces 发布了 4.1