Codeigniter 2.1.0 发布了,CodeIgniter 是一个简单快速的PHP MVC 框架。EllisLab 的工作人员发布了 CodeIgniter。许多企业尝试体验过所有 PHP MVC 框架之后,CodeIgniter 都成为赢家,主要是由于它为组织提供了足够的自由支持,允许开发人员更迅速地工作。
CodeIgniter 2.1.0 主要改进内容:
- Migrations - version your database schema with simple up() and down() methods.
- PDO Database Driver - CodeIgniter now supports PDO which opens up the number of Database engines you can use significantly.
- More PHP 5 syntax - since removing support for PHP 4 we’ve been deleting old PHP 4 code and replacing it with much quicker PHP 5 code.
完整的改进记录请看 changelog
CodeIgniter 的下一个版本将是 3.0
时间:2011-12-03 11:05