Simple Groupware 是一个完整的协同工作套件包。它采用PHP,XML,SQL,HTML,CSS和sgsML开发。Simple Groupware与其它同类型系统不同之处在于使用了新的编程语言sgsML。该语言能够实现快速开发Web应用系统。支 持MySQL,Oracle和PostgreSQL。
1. A new SOAP server was implemented, allowing remote access for reading, creating, and changing assets.
2. A notification was added to indicate that the current folder was changed... by another user.
3. Compatibility with IE6 was improved.
4. A warning was added to the setup reporting the absence of the mb_string extension.
5. The maximum number of assets per page can now be configured.
6. Request parameters for Ajax requests were changed to improve compatibility with application firewalls.
7. Some smaller bugs were fixed and compatibility with PHP 5.3 was improved
时间:2010-01-26 20:47