
来源:infoq 作者:infoq

近日,AjaxLine统计发布了30个最受欢迎的Eclipse插件,详文请见这里。众所周知,Eclipse是最初作为Java IDE发布的一个开放平台,因其具备完善的插件扩展机制,并逐渐加入对于C++和其他语言平台的支持,而受广大开发群体的欢迎,一度成为IDE市场事实上的标准。


这次遴选出的30款最受开发社区欢迎的插件,范围涉及Python、LAMP、Web、Emac、SQL、Log、UML和IDE增强等诸多方面,充分体 现Eclipse插件的繁荣事实和Eclipse做为IDE在开发者心目中的地位,钟爱Eclipse的开发者也必定能从中选出得心应手的兵器。

值得注意的是Sun(现在应该是Oracle)公司推出的开源IDE NetBeans,也以其开放的姿态(对动态语言Ruby、Python和Groovy的支持)和优雅的开发体验,开始重新俘获一部分开发者的芳心。加上在开发社区中具备良好口碑的Intellij IDEA前段时间开始提供免费的社区版本,IDE市场重现良性竞争的形势指日可待,而最终受益的无疑会是我们开发者自己。

PyDev - Python Development Environment for Eclipse

Pydev is a plugin that enables users to use Eclipse for Python, Jython and Iron Python development, making Eclipse a first class Python IDE.

EasyEclipse for LAMP

EasyEclipse for LAMP is an Eclipse distribution to develop web applications with dynamic languages and provide support for PHP, Python, Perl, and Ruby and Ruby On Rail development with a web server and a database, CVS and Subversion.


ColdFusion plugin for Eclipse Includes most of the commonly used features from DreamWeaver and Homesite and whole lot that neither of them have. The goal is to produce an IDE for CFML.

Spket IDE

Spket IDE is powerful toolkit for JavaScript and XML development. The powerful editor for JavaScript, XUL/XBL and Yahoo! Widget development. The JavaScript editor provides features like code completion, syntax highlighting and content outline that helps developers productively create efficient JavaScript code.


ATL (Atlas Transformation Language) is a model transformation language and toolkit. In the field of Model-Driven Engineering (MDE), ATL provides ways to produce a set of target models from a set of source models. Developed on top of the Eclipse platform, the ATL Integrated Development Environment (IDE) provides a number of standard development tools (syntax highlighting, debugger, etc.) that aim to ease the development of ATL transformations.

PTI - PHP Tool Integration

On one site there exists many good PHP tools such as PHPUnit or PHP CodeSniffer which support the development of PHP scripts. On the other side there powerful IDEs for example PHP Delepment Tools Project (PDT) but mostly with no possibility to use such tools with them. The Eclipse PHP Tool Integration (PTI) is a collection of Eclipse plugins which aims to close this gap.

Skyway Builder Community Edition

Skyway Builder Community Edition (CE) is a code generation and scaffolding tool for accelerating the development of applications running on the Spring Framework. Spring MVC scaffolding capabilities allow users to generate Spring-based, Java CRUD applications in minutes

Bravo JSP editor

Bravo JSP editor is a WYSIWYG JSP/html editor.

Koders IDE Plugin for Eclipse

Koders Desktop IDE Plugins allow software developers to perform source code searches directly from within the Eclipse development environment

Google Eclipse Search (GES)

Google Eclipse Search (GES) tool is the result of integrating the Google Desktop Search (GDS) engine into IBM's Eclipse development environment to improve searching in software projects in a manner similar to searching the internet or your own desktop.

Regex Util

It is a eclipse plugin to help create regular expressions (regex). The goal is to make it as easy and as fast as possible to create Regex.


This plugin provides an enhanced Emacs-like experience in the Eclipse text editors.

Eclipse SQL Explorer

Eclipse SQL Explorer is a thin SQL client that allows you to query and browse any JDBC compliant database. It supports plugins with specialized functionality for individual databases (Oracle, DB2 and MySQL) and can be extended to include specialized support for other databases.

时间:2009-12-04 12:31 来源:infoq 作者:infoq 原文链接

