Mozilla Firefox 3.6 Beta1发布

来源:cnbeta 作者:cnbeta

随着Firefox 3.6 Beta的发布,Mozilla将成为支持Windows 7 Windows Aero用户界面的第三方浏览器开发商.Firefox 3.6用户将使用到Aero Peek,任务栏缩略图预览和Windows 7跳跃菜单功能.根据Mozilla目前的计划,Firefox 3.6只有一个Beta测试版本.Firefox 3.6 RC版将于2009年11月中旬发布.如果一切顺利的话,Firefox 3.6最终版将于下月底发布.

Namoroka / Gecko 1.9.2 Alpha 1 introduces several new features:
• Compositor (Phase 1), which moves Gecko to using one native widget per top-level content document. See this blog post or bug 374980 for more details.
• A new focus model, described here and tracked in bug 178324
• The chromedir attribute has been replaced with a pseudoclass
• Several new CSS3 properties including background size and gradients for background images
• Speed improvements to the TraceMonkey javascript engine
• Startup and responsiveness improvements throughout the application.

Size: 7.98 MB

下载:Firefox 3.6 Beta for Windows
下载:Firefox 3.6 Beta for Linux
下载:Firefox 3.6 Beta for MacOS

出稿时zh-CN文件夹暂未更新 中文版可能需要稍等片刻才会出现

时间:2009-10-31 09:00 来源:cnbeta 作者:cnbeta 原文链接

