发行版Gentoo Linux 10.0 Test

来源:distrowatch 作者:distrowatch

        Gentoo Linux是一套通用的、快捷的、完全免费的Linux发行,它面向开发人员和网络职业人员。与其他发行不同的是,Gentoo Linux拥有一套先进的包管理系统叫作Portage。在BSD ports的传统中,Portage是一套真正的自动导入系统,然而Gentoo里的Portage是用Python编写的,并具它有很多先进的特性,包括文件依赖、精细的包管理、OpenBSD风格的虚拟安装,安全卸载,系统框架文件、虚拟软件包、配置文件管理等等。

        Matthew Summers has announced a testing release of Gentoo Linux 10.0, a special 10-year anniversary Gentoo live DVD: "In honor of Gentoo's 10th birthday, we are producing a new live DVD. We need you to test it on as many x86 and x86_64 machines as you can and post bugs. The x86-x86_64 live DVD will work on x86 or x86_64 processors. If your architecture is x86 boot with the default 'gentoo'. If your architecture is amd64 boot with gentoo64. The AMD64 live DVD is for amd64 only. So give us a hand by testing like crazy and posting bugs and we'll have the greatest live DVD ever." The very brief release announcement contains no technical information, but the live DVD comes with Linux kernel 2.6.30, glibc 2.9 and GCC 4.3.2, and boots into KDE 4.3.1 by default (GNOME 2.24 and Xfce 4.6.1 are also available). It can be installed to a hard disk. Interested testers can download the DVD images from here: livedvd-x86-x86_64-10.0.iso (1,849MB, MD5), livedvd-x86-amd64-10.0.iso (1,899MB, MD5).(责任编辑:A6)

时间:2009-09-28 08:37 来源:distrowatch 作者:distrowatch 原文链接

