Joern Lindau has announced the release of Toorox 06.2009, a Gentoo-based live DVD featuring the latest KDE 4: "Toorox 06.2009 is finished now. As always, the KDE was updated to the latest version 4.2.4. The recent CVS snapshot of the lancelot_part plasmoid was included because Qt was updated to 4.5.1 and the old version of the plasmoid had some trouble with it. The USB stick creator script was optimised; now there are three options - static, personal and encrypted. For the last two options the home folder will be stored and with the remaining option even password-encrypted when shut down. Now two partitions will be created - ext2 for Toorox and FAT32 for regular data storage on the pen drive. Some users had kernel panics after installation and booting from an USB hard disk - this has been fixed." Here is the brief release announcement. Download: Toorox_06.2009.iso (1,713MB, MD5).(责任编辑:A6)