发行版Greenie Linux 5j发布

来源:distrowatch 作者:distrowatch

        Greenie Linux是一份来自斯洛伐克的桌面发行,它基于Ubuntu。它提供好几种版本:一份带有开源及私有软件的CD版;一份包含额外软件及安装源的DVD版;一份面向从小型基架建立操作系统的mini-CD版;一份面向网页设计师的特别版。Greenie Linux主要支持斯洛伐克语和捷克语,但DVD版也提供对其他中欧语言的支持模块。

        Stanislav Hoferek has announced the release of Greenie Linux 5j, an Ubuntu-based distribution and live CD optimised for Slovak and Czech speakers. What's new? Based on Ubuntu 9.04 "Jaunty Jackalope" (Linux kernel 2.6.28, OpenOffice.org 3.0.1), actualised with all recent security updates; new keyboard shortcuts for launching Firefox, calculator or any other application; availability of a meta package that can turn a standard Ubuntu install into Greenie Linux; new documentation; inclusion of Greenshot - a utility that takes a screenshot and uploads into to ImageShack in three seconds; availability of extra applications, including Skype, VLC and Opera via Greenport; new desktop theme.... Read the full release announcement (in Slovak) for more details. Download: greenie-5j.iso (697MB, MD5).(责任编辑:A6)

时间:2009-06-11 08:36 来源:distrowatch 作者:distrowatch 原文链接

