Linux Caixa Mágica 14 RC1

来源:distrowatch 作者:distrowatch

        Caixa Mágica是一份葡萄牙人的Linux发行。

        Linux Caixa Mágica is a Portuguese general-purpose distribution based on Mandriva Linux. The first release candidate of the upcoming version 14, scheduled for final release in the first half o May, was announced yesterday. The main features of this release include improved hardware detection and better usability, while the major software components of the release are Linux kernel 2.6.29, KDE 4.2.2 and GNOME 2.26. Also included are APT for RPM and Synaptic, developed by Caixa Mágica, featuring a "rollback" ability, recording of package installation failures, and communication with the central server. The announcement warns that it isn't possible to upgrade systems running older versions of Caixa Mágica, so those interested in helping to test the distribution should perform a clean installation. For more information please read the full release announcement (in Portuguese). The installation DVD images are available for download from here: caixamagica-linux-pro-14-dvd-i586-RC1.iso (4,440MB, MD5, torrent), caixamagica-linux-pro-14-dvd-x86_64-RC1.iso (4,120MB, MD5, torrent).(责任编辑:A6)

时间:2009-04-27 09:08 来源:distrowatch 作者:distrowatch 原文链接

