Ubuntu Studio 是一个基于 Ubuntu 而面向音频、视频及图形爱好者的操作系统.
Ubuntu Studio 从大量的开源多媒体创作程序中精挑细选,然后把最好的奉献给大家.比如,在音频方面,Ubuntu Studio 选择了 Ardour 2 这个支持多轨录制/编辑的程序;在视频方面,Ubuntu Studio 中包含了 PiTiVi、Kino、Cinepaint 等程序;在图形方面,Ubuntu Studio 囊括了 GIMP、Inkscape、Blender 等优秀软件.
New applications included:
- FFADO firewire soundcard drivers
- Calf audio plugins
- LMMS (updated and included in the meta packages)
- Heavily tested 2.6.28 realtime kernel for low-latency audio work
- Jack Connection Kit upgraded to 0.116.1 (a major improvement)
- Ardour upgraded to 2.7.1
- Fresh ubuntustudio-looks improvements
- Addition to Ubuntu Studio Controls to allow users to maintain
- Ctr+Alt+Backspace behavior
时间:2009-04-26 12:42