Google Chrome(谷歌浏览器)是由Google开发的一款可让您更快速、轻松且安全地使用网络的浏览器,它的设计超级简洁,使用起来更加方便.Google Chrome的特点是简洁、快速.Google Chrome支持多标签浏览,每个标签页面都在独立的“沙箱”内运行,在提高安全性的同时,一个标签页面的崩溃也不会导致其他标签页面被关闭.此 外,Google Chrome基于更强大的JavaScript V8引擎,这是当前Web浏览器所无法实现的.
下载:Google Chrome Beta
- Make the last tab have a right-click menu. Issue 8519
- Bring V8 to version (r1458).
- Stop history search going on beyond the start of history. Issue 8438, and Issue 8456
- Fix black titlebars rendering when toggling DWM when the window is maximized. Issue 8526
- Fix horizontal scrolling to not be reversed on tilt wheel mice and old Thinkpads. Issue 8590
- Fixes crash in ResizeCorner. Issue 8477
- Make Google Chrome windows not hide auto-hide taskbars. Issue 20, and Issue 8410
- Fix installer failure when %TMP% not on C:Issue 8505(责任编辑:A6)
时间:2009-03-13 09:01