ArtistX 0.6发布

来源:distrowatch 作者:distrowatch


        Marco Ghirlanda has announced the release of ArtistX 0.6, an Ubuntu-based distribution with 2,500 free multimedia programs for 2D/3D graphics manipulation, video editing and media playback: "ArtistX 0.6 is based on the great Remastersys software for creating live CDs and includes the 2.6.27 Linux kernel, GNOME 2.24 and KDE 4.1.3, Compiz Fusion and about 2,500 free multimedia software packages, nearly everything that exists for the GNU/Linux operating system. Main features: based on Ubuntu 8.10, Ubiquity installer (tried in VirtualBox, please back up your data as this is the first version shipped with ArtistX). A partial list of software included in the DVD: 2D graphics software: GIMP, Inkscape, Nip2, Krita, CinePaint, Synfig, Rawstudio, Skencil, Hugin; 3D graphics softwares: Blender, Wings3D, KPovModeler + POV-Ray 3.6, K3D; video software: Cinelerra, Kino, Open Movie Editor, Kdenlive, PiTiVi, Avidemux, DeVeDe...." Visit the distribution's home page to read the release announcement. Download: artistx_0.6_live_dvd.iso (3,309MB, MD5).(责任编辑:A6)

时间:2009-02-16 09:18 来源:distrowatch 作者:distrowatch 原文链接

