antiX MEPIS 8发布

来源:distrowatch 作者:distrowatch

        MEPIS Linux是一份桌面Linux系统,它也能被方便地配置成专用的服务器。它被设计为同时适合于个人和商用目的。它拥有最新的特性,例如它是一张自启动运行/安装/修复光盘,以及自动配置硬件,NTFS分区大小调整支持,ACPI电源管理,WiFi支持,反混淆TrueType字体,个人防火墙,KDE桌面等等。

        antiX MEPIS 8, a lightweight edition of the upcoming SimplyMEPIS 8.0, has been released: "The antiX team is proud to announce that antiX MEPIS 8 - a fast and light complete desktop and live CD based on SimplyMEPIS and Debian Testing, with a little bit of sidux - is now available at MEPIS mirrors. This release defaults to a fully customised IceWM desktop (Fluxbox is also installed). In addition to the SimplyMEPIS 8.0 foundation with its 2.6.27 kernel and assistants, antiX has an improved antiX Control Centre, new scripts for screenshots, and phonebook. There are improved and extended themes and artwork for IceWM and Fluxbox. Localisation is much improved in this version. As well as including usual applications such as Iceweasel 3.0.6, Pidgin 2.4, AbiWord 2.6.4 and Gnumeric 1.8.3, antiX 8 also includes the sidux meta-installer, an updated ceni and wicd for wired and wireless connections, UMTSmon - a simple connect program for users using 3G USB modems...." Read the rest of the release announcement and release notes for further information. Download: antiX-M8.iso (436MB, MD5), antiX-M8-base.iso (237MB, MD5).(责任编辑:A6)

时间:2009-02-16 08:57 来源:distrowatch 作者:distrowatch 原文链接

