VectorLinux 6.0 RC1发布

来源:distrowatch 作者:distrowatch

        Vector Linux是一份小巧快捷的、基于Intel处理器的PC机Linux操作系统。Vector Linux的创建者们有一则简单的信条:简单、小巧,并让最终用户决定他们的操作系统成为什么样子。由此观念发展而来的恐怕是世界上小型Linux操作系统中的最优者。对那些普通的计算机用户而言,他们得到的是一份快捷的桌面,有很多图形化的程序可供处理日常中的各种事物,从上网冲浪、收发电子邮件到用ICQ或者IRC聊天,以及架设一台ftp服务器。高级用户们将会感到满意,因为有全套的工具可以编译他们自己的应用程序,从而把系统设置成服务器,要么是家庭或办公室计算机网络的网关。系统管理员们将同样得到满足,因为这份操作系统所要求的磁盘和内存空间是那样的小,以至可以部署在那些恐怕早已被遗忘的旧式机器上。

        Robert Lange has announced the availability of the first release candidate for VectorLinux 6.0: "The VectorLinux development team is proud to announce the first release candidate of VectorLinux 6.0. This release is the result of the excellent bug reporting feedback from members of our community. We have tried to squash most of the bugs reported and add some additional polish to the default theme and the GUI installer. The installer has gone through many rewrites, we think you will find many improvements both in design and execution. We have updated several software packages and have added the all-new slapt-get notifier which automatically notifies the user via a tray icon that software updates are available. The browser plugins have been updated to the latest Flash 10 and MPlayer Plugin. Firefox, Opera, Seamonkey, gFTP, Pidgin and our own Vl-hot have all been updated." Read the rest of the release announcement for more details. Download: VL6.0-STD-RC1.iso (699MB, MD5).(责任编辑:A6)

时间:2008-12-23 09:23 来源:distrowatch 作者:distrowatch 原文链接

