Kiwi Linux 8.08发布

来源:lupa 作者:lupa

Kiwi Linux是面向i386架构的一份修改过的Ubuntu自启动运行光盘,它包含罗马尼亚语和匈牙利语的本地化,多媒体编码解码器,对加密DVD的支持,面向Firefox的Flash及Java插件,用于访问本地互联网服务(Clicknet和RDS)的PPPoE图形用户界面,以及对NTFS分区的写支持。
Jani Mosones has announced the release of Kiwi Linux 8.08, an Ubuntu-based distribution with support for multimedia codecs, encrypted DVDs, Flash and other desktop conveniences: "Kiwi Linux 8.08 is a desktop CD derivative based on Ubuntu 8.04.1 LTS for the x86 architecture. It contains packages necessary for playing restricted audio, video and Flash formats by default and supports the SpeedTouch 330 USB ADSL modem. Differences with respect to Ubuntu 8.04.1: packages up to date as of 28 August 2008; Thunderbird as the default mail client, Audacious as the default music player; Flash plugin and all GStreamer codecs; Compiz extra settings GUI; unrar and MS TrueType fonts; a graphical tool for restoring GRUB; Midnight Commander; the Medibuntu repositories enabled by default to allow installing w32codecs, Skype and Google Earth." Read the full release announcement for more details. Download (MD5): kiwi-8.08.iso (697MB, torrent).


时间:2008-09-01 09:05 来源:lupa 作者:lupa 原文链接

