Lua从一开始就是作为一门方便嵌入(其它应用程序)并可扩展的轻量级脚本语言来设计的,因此她一直遵从着简单、小巧、可移植、快速的原则,官方实现完全 采用ANSI C编写,能以C程序库的形式嵌入到宿主程序中.Lua的每个版本都保持着开放源码的传统,不过各版采用的许可协议并不相同,自5.0版(最新版是5.1) 开始她采用的是著名的MIT许可协议.正由于上述特点,所以Lua在游戏开发、机器人控制、分布式应用、图像处理、生物信息学等各种各样的领域中得到了越 来越广泛的应用.其中尤以游戏开发为最,许多著名的游戏,比如Escape from Monkey Island、World of Warcraft、大话西游,都采用了Lua来配合引擎完成数据描述、配置管理和逻辑控制等任务.
下载:Lua 5.1.4 - Release 1
- Lua 5.1.4 - Release 1
Added manifests for the DLLs in dll8 and dll9 distributions to include the dependency on the run time library. Added manifests for the wlua executables to include the dependency on the ComCtl32 library that enable the Windows XP Visual Styles for GUI applications.
Originals Lua makefiles are not changed anymore.
LUA_CPATH default changed to also include the "clibs" subfolder in search path when in Windows. Added support for "51" suffix.
时间:2008-08-31 11:34