开发版:FreeNAS 0.69 Beta 1发布

来源:lupa 作者:lupa


Volker Theile has announced the release of FreeNAS 0.69 beta 1, a tiny FreeBSD-based operating system which provides free Network-Attached Storage (NAS) services. From the changelog "Upgrade to FreeBSD 6.3; add 'lagg' link aggregation and link failover interface support (kernel); switch back to SCHED_4BSD scheduler; add generic web server service; complete review and typo fixes in source code; upgrade rsync to 3.0.2, smartmontools to 5.38, lighttpd to 1.4.19, e2fsprogs to 1.40.10, PHP to 5.2.6; use SAJAX to update miscellaneous WebGUI pages every 5 seconds to display current states; refactor complete S.M.A.R.T. WebGUI and ActiveDirectory WebGUI; add ability to web server WebGUI to configure URLs requiring authentication; replace Adaptec SCSI RAID administration tool aaccli with arcconf; upgrade Adaptec AACRAID 32- and 64-bit driver to version 5.2.0 Build 15727; replace UPnP media player MediaTomb with Fuppes...." Download (MD5): FreeNAS-i386-liveCD-0.69b1.3504.iso (47.6MB), FreeNAS-amd64-liveCD-0.69b1.3504.iso (51.7MB).


时间:2008-06-20 08:38 来源:lupa 作者:lupa 原文链接

