sidux发行是一份面向桌面的操作系统,它是基于Debian GNU/Linux的unstable分支的自启动运行光盘。除了与Debian完全兼容外,该发行还提供一份定制的内核以支持各种时新的硬件设备,缺省桌面环境KDE,滚动更新式的升级发布,并符合Debian的自由软件指南。
The first development build of sidux 2008-02 has been released: "A little later than planned, sidux 2008-02 'Erebos' is now ready to enter the preview season for amd64 and i686 systems. As usual the previews are shipping only as a small, but fully functional, KDE-lite flavours, to ease up testing and xdelta uploads and will be accompanied by the combined KDE-full variant for the final release. This first preview concentrates on integrating the changes caused by kernel, as well as several installer improvements and updating the packages affected by the OpenSSL security problems in Debian. Furthermore a large number of individual functionality enhancements and bug fixes have been applied to the full package line up and especially sidux' own packages." Read the detailed release announcement for further information. Download: sidux-2008-02-i386.iso (448MB, MD5), sidux-2008-02-amd64.iso (456MB, MD5).