Resulinux是一份来自巴西的桌面发行,它是一份基于Debian GNU/Linux的自启动运行光盘。它的一个独特之处是TexasFlood引导系统,它能显著缩短系统引导时间;它还包含一个称作LiveUpdate的软件升级工具。
Resulinux is a Brazilian desktop distribution based on Debian GNU/Linux. A new version 2.9, code name "Chesed", was released yesterday. From the changelog: added option to choose one of the four available desktop themes; KDE 3.5.9 with Compiz; new configuration and package installation panels; security improvements; major applications - 2.4.0, Firefox 3.0; Linux kernel enhanced for performance; bug fixes in Kaffeine and scripts for installing the ATI and NVIDIA proprietary video drivers; new script for configuring wireless networking and miscellaneous other networking improvements. Please visit the distribution's download page (in Portuguese) to read the complete changelog. Get the live CD image from here: resulinux2.9chesed.iso (696MB, MD5, torrent).