DeLi Linux是一份为老旧计算机而准备的Linux发行,这包括486到奔腾MMX 166或类似档次。它以桌面应用为中心。DeLi Linux包括了邮件客户端、一份图形界面的web浏览器,一套办公软件(包括字处理器和电子制表软件等)。一次完整的安装,包括XFree86和开发工具,总共只需要不到300M的硬盘空间。
Henry Jensen has announced the release of DeLi Linux 0.8.0, a light-weight desktop distribution designed for computers with as little as 32 MB of RAM: "DeLi Linux 0.8.0 is the next big step and the first release of the 0.8.x branch. The main focus of the 0.8.x series will be internationalisation. The biggest changes are: switched to UTF-8 as the default encoding; dropped GTK+ 1.x, switched to GTK+ 2.x (2.10); switched to the 'pacman' package manager (from Arch Linux); Netsurf or Skipstone as web browsers; AbiWord 2.4.6 with ODT plugin and Gnumeric 1.6.3; Linux kernel, now with LSI Logic support (important for VMware guests). Unfortunately, the hardware requirements had to be raised: for running the GUI at least 32 MB of RAM are recommended; a MMX capable processor is recommended for multimedia applications; a full installation with all applications requires about 750 MB space on hard disk." Here is the full release announcement. Download the installation CD image from here: deli-0.8.0-full.iso (252MB, MD5, torrent).