Epidemic GNU/Linux是一份来自巴西的桌面Linux发行,它基于Debian GNU/Linux。其主要特色在于KDE桌面,易于使用的安装程序,包含CompizFusion的3D桌面特性,GFXBoot启动引导程序,对很多种私有及非自由内核驱动的即刻可用的支持,以及对各种多媒体编码解码器的支持。
Epidemic GNU/Linux is an easy-to-use, Debian-based desktop distribution created in Brazil. An updated version 2.1 was announced yesterday. With this release, the project's developers focused primarily on bug fixes, stability and speed improvements, and general polish. Some the improvements include: Easy Channel, a graphical utility for installing proprietary applications and non-free media codecs; Enetwork, a network configuration tool; a new version of the Epidemic installer; integration of Compiz Fusion with several 3D plugins; an i686-optimised Linux kernel 2.6.24 with a number of patches for wireless network cards and other hardware devices; improved support for webcams; Aufs file system on live CD; read-write support for NTFS partitions; various artwork and theme updates. Please visit the distribution's home page (in Portuguese) to read the release announcement and to take a look at some screenshots. Download (MD5) the installable live CD from here: epidemic-2.1-14-i686.iso (698MB).