Celestia是一个免费的开放源代码天文类软件,通过它你不仅可以鸟瞰地球,还可以畅游太阳系,以及其它多达10万颗星,甚至是银河系以外的星座.你可以远观星云,也可以近看飞行器.所有的查看和缩放都非常平滑.Celestia 包含了巨大的天文数据库,包括恒星,行星,卫星,彗星以及太空船;如果原带的这些库还不能满足你,你可以方便的下载和安装扩展信息库.
* Added fonts for Russian, Chinese, and Japanese
* Updated translations
* Fixed date formatting for non-UTF8 locales
* Fixed crash for dates prior to JD -1.5 when local format is used
* Fixed star rendering for Macs with ATI graphics hardware (worked around
a driver bug in point sprite support.)
* Fixed star glare clipping bug
* Fixed bug that caused some stars to be drawn untextured
* Fixed faster/slower options in the Windows time menu to adjust time by
10x instead of 2x
* Fixed translation of time acronyms DST and STD
* Use localized versions of start script, guide, demo, license, and controls
file from locale directory
* Fixed Windows 98/ME input problem; most keyboard commands weren't working on
the OSes.
* Made Lua os functions available from celx scripts when access policy is "ask"
Mac OS X:http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/celestia/celestia-osx-1.5.1.dmg?download
Linux:http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/celestia/celestia-gtk-1.4.1.x86.package?download v1.4.1