
来源:ChinaUnix 作者:ChinaUnix
    3月6日,软件自由法律中心(Software Freedom Law Center,以下简称SFLC)和High-Gain Antennas公司联合发布声明,High-Gain Antennas公司公司将遵守GPL协议,开放他们相关产品的源码,同时,SFLC将撤销对该公司GPL版权的相关诉讼。

  该GPL专利诉讼案起始于去年十月份,当时BusyBox软件的作者要求High-Gain公司公布相关产品代码,这些产品使用了BusyBox的代码,因为BusyBox是一款基于GPL V2的嵌入式Unix/Linux工具集。但是当时的High-Gain公司并没有理睬,进而BusyBox的作者和High-Gain公司之间的GPL版权纠纷引起了SFLC的注意。


  在声明中,来自SFLC的法律主管Dan Ravicher指出,他们对于此次GPL版权纠纷的处理非常满意。来自High-Gain Antennas的CEO Richard Bruckner也认为,这次GPL版权纠纷处理值得所有的采用开源代码的嵌入式设备厂商和分销商学习。

  Richard Bruckner还对BusyBox的作者提出了赞赏,他认为,这些开源代码的作者非常了解他们公司在无线设备市场的境况,并没有一味取闹,起诉他们只是为了推广GPL协议的遵守氛围,并不是为了钱财。

  SFLC和BusyBox的最大目标是verizone公司,他们认为该公司是最大的GPL违反者,而veriozone对此还没有做出任何官方回应。但是SFLC的公共关系协调人Jim Garrison告诉Linux-Watch,他们真正和verizone公司做最后的谈判。


Mar. 07, 2008

The Software Freedom Law Center and High-Gain Antennas jointly announced March 6 that High-Gain will conform to the General Public License and that as a result the SFLC will dismiss its GPL lawsuit.

The suit began when the developers of BusyBox, a set of embedded Unix utilities licensed under the GPLv2, asked High-Gain to provide access to its source code, which used BusyBox code. The company didn't respond, so BusyBox brought the licensing disagreement to the SFLC's attention.

High-Gain, which uses the BusyBox code in several of its Wi-Fi devices, has agreed to publish the code and to appoint an open-source compliance officer to make sure the company doesn't violate the GPL again. BusyBox's developers, Erik Andersen and Rob Landley, also received a financial settlement.

"We are extremely pleased to have resolved this matter and wish High-Gain Antennas all the best," Dan Ravicher, the SFLC's legal director, said in a statement.

"This has been an education about the GPLa


时间:2008-03-13 09:33 来源:ChinaUnix 作者:ChinaUnix 原文链接

