发行版:Scientific Linux 5.1 Live CD/DVD发布

来源:lupa 作者:lupa

Scientific Linux是一份重新编译的Red Hat Enterprise Linux,它包含了遍布世界的多种多样的实验室和大学的贡献。
A live edition of Scientific Linux 5.1, a distribution built from Red Hat Enterprise Linux source packages and enhanced with extra scientific software, has been released: "Scientific Linux Live CD/DVD 5.1 has been released for i386 and x86_64 architectures. The Scientific Linux Live CD/DVD runs Scientific Linux directly from CD/DVD without installing. The following editions are available: Mini-LiveCD 32-bit with IceWM; LiveCD 32-bit with GNOME; LiveCD 64-bit with GNOME; LiveDVD 32-bit with GNOME, KDE and IceWM; LiveDVD 64-bit with GNOME, KDE and IceWM. Live CD/DVD features: fully writable root filesystem; hardware auto-detection; can be installed to local hard disk; can be installed on USB key; can be mounted over NFS (as diskless client)." More in the release announcement. Download: mini_livecd_SL51...iso (241MB, MD5), livecd_SL51...iso (694MB, MD5), livedvd_SL51...iso (2,380MB, MD5), livecd64_SL51...iso (697MB, MD5), livedvd64_SL51...iso (2,415MB, MD5).


时间:2008-02-20 11:22 来源:lupa 作者:lupa 原文链接

