Mythbuntu 是一份基于Ubuntu的发行,它是一张自启动运行光盘,着眼于构建一份单独的MythTV系统,这与KnoppMyth或Mythdora类似。它可以被用于安装一份独立的前端或后端或组合机器。Mythbuntu采用Xfce作为缺省桌面,它提供一份图形化的控制中心来配置系统。
The second alpha build of Mythbuntu 8.04, an Ubuntu-based distribution featuring MythTV, is ready for testing: "Today we are introducing second Mythbuntu 8.04 alpha image. It is very important to note that this release is not compatible with Mythbuntu 7.10 or any other MythTV 0.20.2 based distribution. Changes from alpha 1: Rudimentary transmitter selection support is available for all devices but the PVR-150; include support for lircrc files that are generated to ease the editting process; include support for lircd.conf files to organize lircd.conf; DKMS support; all themes are modularized into their own packages; community themes; based on the MythTV 0-21-fixes branch which was created recently to prepare for 0.21 release; most of the bugs that were reported about the 7.10 release have been resolved." Here is the full release announcement. Download: mythbuntu-8.04-alpha2-i386.iso (493MB, MD5), mythbuntu-8.04-alpha2-amd64.iso (519MB, MD5).