Debian 已针对 4.0 稳定版进行了第三次更新,在更新后的版本号显示为 4.0r3。此次更新不仅清除了一些 bug,而且解决了重要的安全问题。同时,Debian installer 也已得到更新,并支持使用更新的内核;本次更新还添加了对 SGI O2 (含 300MHz RM5200SC (Nevada) CPU) 的支持。除此之外,由于 Flashplugin-nonfree 是闭源软件,已从 Debian 中移除。
Debian计划是由以创造一份自由操作系统为共同目标的个人团体所组建的协会。这份操作系统就叫作Debian GNU/Linux,或者简称为Debian。Debian系统目前采用Linux内核。Linux则是一套完全免费的软件,它由Linus Torvalds创建,并得到了全世界成千上万位程序员的支持。当然,人们需要有应用软件来帮助他们达到各种目的,这包括编辑文档、进行业务交易、玩游戏以及编写更多的软件。Debian提供了20000多套软件,它们是已经编译好了的软件,并按一种出色的格式打成包,可以供你在机器上方便地安装。这一切都可以免费获得。这种结构有一点像城堡,它以系统内核为基础,之上是所有的基本工具,接下来是你可以在计算机上运行的所有软件,城堡的最顶层就是 Debian――精良的组织和装配使得这一切可以协同运作。
Joey Schulze has announced the availability of the third update to Debian GNU/Linux 4.0: "The Debian project is pleased to announce the third update of its stable distribution Debian GNU/Linux 4.0. This update mainly adds corrections for security problems to the stable release, along with a few adjustment to serious problems. The installer has been updated to use and support the updated kernels included in this release. This update also includes stability improvements and added support for SGI O2 machines with 300 MHz RM5200SC (Nevada) CPUs. Flashplugin-nonfree has been removed, as this is closed source and we don't get security support for it. For security reasons, we recommend to immediately remove any version of flashplugin-nonfree and any remaining files of the Adobe Flash Player. Tested updates will be made available via" Read the rest of the release announcement for a detailed list of all changes. As always, Debian stable revisions are available for download via Debian's Advanced Package Tool (APT); alternatively, full CD and DVD images will be provided within the next few days.