欢迎来到phpMyAdmin 2.11.4的第一个候选版本(RC),这是一个错误修正版本。
下载地址: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=23067
更改日志: (not yet released)
- bug #1843428 [GUI] Space issue with DROP/DELETE/ALTER TABLE
- bug #1807816 [search] regular expression search doesn't work with
- bug #1843463 [GUI] DROP PROCEDURE does not show alert
- bug #1835904 [GUI] Back link after a SQL error forgets the query
- bug #1835654 [core] wrong escaping when using double quotes
- bug #1817612 [cookies] Wrong cookie path on IIS with PHP-CGI,
thanks to Carsten Wiedmann
- bug #1848889 [export] export trigger should use DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS
- bug #1851833 [display] Sorting forgets an explicit LIMIT
(fix for sorting on column headers)
- bug #1764182 [cookies] Suhosin cookie encryption breaks phpMyAdmin
- bug #1798786 [import] Wrong error when a string contains semicolon
- bug #1813508 [login] Missing parameter: field after re-login
- bug #1710144 [parser] Space after COUNT breaks Export but not Query
- bug #1783620 [parser] Subquery results without "as" are ignored
- bug #1821264 [display] MaxTableList and INFORMATION_SCHEMA
- bug #1859460 [display] Operations and many databases
- bug #1814679 [display] Database selection pagination when switching servers
- patch #1861717 [export] CSV Escape character not exported right,
thanks to nicolasdigraf
- bug #1864468 [display] Theme does not switch to darkblue_orange
- bug #1847409 [security] Path disclosure on darkblue_orange/layout.inc.php,
thanks to Jürgen Wind - windkiel