We are happy to announce the new version 1.2 of the Qt Safe Renderer is now available.
What’s new in 1.2
For each major release, we always intend to certify our latest QSR against the latest functional safety standards and requirements. For the 1.2 release, we have gone through the SEBS-A.113256/17 certificate by TÜV Nord, and the QSR is now certified to ISO 26262:2018-6, 2018-8 (ASIL-D), EN 50128:2011 6.7.4 (SIL 4), IEC 61508:2010-3 7.4.4 (SIL 3), IEC 62304:2015 (2006 + A1). Therefore we retain the same certificate that was issued to us earlier, as the standard and requirements remain the same.
Animation and States capability
In previous 1.1 release, we introduced a dynamic text rendering that can display critical information such as (in the automobile context) speed or the gear selector in the event of non-safety critical HMI being unstable. In 1.2, we now added animation support that enables timeline animation and transition animation over QML properties and state changes. With animations, safety critical UI elements can be moved and recomposed for better user experience such as improved readability, attention awareness under critical conditions.
For more details, please check out: https://doc-snapshots.qt.io/qtsaferenderer/qtsr-animations.html
Bitmap compression
The QSR is now optimized for the compressed bitmaps by removing the need to be uncompressed when loaded, thereby improving the overall rendering performance.
Dynamic text
It is now possible to change the color of the text and icons dynamically.
New hardware adaptation
We have added new hardware adaptation to Qualcomm 8155P, and for the graphics backends we now have support for DRM, QNX Screen, OpenWFD, Renesas Window Manager and Qt GUI. For the event handling, we now supported POSIX, INTEGRITY, QNX and Qt Network.
There are many other new improvements in tooling, fonts, and overall performance of the runtime. Please check out what’s new in here: https://doc.qt.io/QtSafeRenderer/qtsr-12-release-note.html#certification-information
Market adoption
We are happy to see particularly strong growth from Automotive and Industrial automation, and already this year there will be commercial production rolling out with QSR inside.
The adoption of QSR is growing as our customers see the benefit of leveraging the same HMI technology to also cover the functional safety. With QSR being part of the same development environment, from day 1 our customers can design and develop the mission critical UI in conjunction with non-safety critical ones. Functional Safety is no longer an afterthought and isolated project.
For further information, please get in touch with us and also check our safety manual: https://doc.qt.io/QtSafeRenderer/qtsaferenderer-index.html
转自 https://www.qt.io/blog/qt-safe-renderer-1.2-released