
Ant Design 4.12.3 发布

Refactor Drawer with React hooks. #29229

  • Fix Table pagination not disappear when pagination.position is ['none', 'none']. #29256 @mumiao
  • Fix TextArea showCount should not be interactive. #29245
  • Fix abnormal background color for multiple and disabled Select in dark. #29242
  • ⚡️ Optimize Slider align performance of tooltip. #29308 @kerm1it
  • ⚡️ Upgrade @ant-design/colors to 6.x to reduce gzipped bundle size 1KB. #29307 @07akioni
  • Add ru_RU locale text for Image. #29271 @mumiao
  • Add fa_IR locale text for DatePicker, Form, Table, TimePicker and Transfer. #29232 @amiralitaheri
  • TypeScript
    • Fix type definition for Table FilterDropdownProps confirm parameter. #29241 @mumiao


  • 使用 React hooks 重构 Drawer。#29229
  • 修复 Table 的 pagination. position['none', 'none']时分页器仍然展示的问题。#29256 @mumiao
  • 修复 TextArea showCount 字数会遮挡 Form.Item extra 的问题。#29245
  • 修复多选 Select 在暗黑模式下禁用的背景颜色异常的问题。#29242
  • ⚡️ 优化 Slider 提示的对齐性能。#29308 @kerm1it
  • ⚡️ 升级 @ant-design/colors 依赖到 6.x,减少 gzipped 包体积 1KB#29307 @07akioni
  • 为 Image 组件添加 ru_RU 俄语翻译。#29271 @mumiao
  • 为 DatePicker、Form、Table、TimePicker 和 Transfer 组件添加 fa_IR 波斯语翻译。#29232 @amiralitaheri
  • TypeScript
    • 修复 Table FilterDropdownProps 的 confirm 入参为可选类型。#29241 @mumiao


Assets 2


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