
ionic 5.5.2 发布

Bug Fixes

  • android: setting hardwareBackButton: false in config now disables default webview behavior (#22555) (dc9faa6), closes #18237
  • button: allow aria-label to be inherited on inner button (#22632) (818e387), closes #22629
  • react: hardware back button now navigates correctly (36939e1)
  • react: setting a ref now allows other props to be passed in (31f45cd), closes #22609
  • refresher: clean up old css if calling refresh method before native refresher is setup (#22640) (8d5ed47), closes #22636
  • refresher: refresher correctly detects native refresher when shown asynchronously (#22623) (5ed73cd), closes #22616
  • vue: adding non tab button elements inside ion-tab-bar no longer causes errors (#22643) (61cf0c5), closes #22642
  • vue: correctly handle navigation failures (#22621) (216f51b), closes #22591
  • vue: correctly remove old view when replacing route (#22566) (4f4f31b), closes #22492
  • vue: pass in correct route to props function (#22605) (01afdc4), closes #22602
  • vue: query strings are now correctly handled when navigating back (#22615) (a94e2a8), closes #22517
  • vue: swipe back gesture is properly disabled when swipeBackEnabled config is false (#22568) (9d04c12), closes #22567

For Ionic Vue Developers

Vue Router 4 has been released! Be sure to update from the release candidate to the latest stable version of Vue Router.

For more information on the changes in Vue Router 4, see https://github.com/vuejs/vue-router-next/releases/tag/v4.0.0.

npm install vue-router@4


Assets 2


转自 https://github.com/ionic-team/ionic-framework/releases/tag/v5.5.2