
Alibaba Nacos 2.0.0-ALPHA.1 发布

This version mainly uses gRPC to replace HTTP as the communication between client and server.
And refactor the data model of naming module to adapt new communication model.


[#3328] nacos support grpc ,base functions submit.
[#3334] Nacos config support gRPC.
[#3343] Add naming support gRPC for register and deregister instance.
[#3344] support config query in rpc channel ,add switch http/rpc at client side.
[#3350] add server side connection listener ,and add client version.
[#3352] Add naming support gRPC for query instance list and service info.
[#3357] response model optimize area/Config kind/feature.
[#3365] client reconnection optimize .
[#3367]client reconnect optimize, combine first time start and reconnect code.
[#3373] Naming support un/subscribe service by grpc.
[#3385] server side client connection listener optimize and listen context and notifier updated.
[#3386] Refactor for naming sdk.
[#3478][#3521] Add gprc support-> add server push ack.
[#3795][#3809][#3825][#3849][#3860] Adapt old client for naming module.
[#4099][#4260][#4279][#4354][#4367] Add metadata for service and use raft to consistence.
[#4383] Upgrade Nacos Api/Client modules to support JDK 1.8 compilation

There are many changes for this new feature. detail see https://github.com/alibaba/nacos/milestone/22?closed=1.


Assets 4


转自 https://github.com/alibaba/nacos/releases/tag/2.0.0-ALPHA.1