该版本为小版本更新,主要优化现有功能和消灭 bug, 推荐使用 3.2.0 版本的升级
🔨Optimize (优化)
- optimize auto-configuration RPC #526
- The problem of child module initialization registering the relevant processors of the parent container to the child container. #442
- update SOFATracer version to 3.0.8 and migrate tracer starter code to SOFABoot. #533
- reform the start listener to extend #539
- update runtime plugin upon 3.2.0 and above. #496 #478
🐞Bug fixes (消灭bug)
- Upgrade SOFATracer to 3.0.8
- Upgrade resteasy to 3.6.3
- Upgrade SOFARpc to 5.6.3
- Upgrade hessian to 3.3.7
- Upgrade SOFAArk to 1.1.0
- Upgrade fastjson to 1.2.61
- Upgrade Jackson to 2.9.10
详情请参考 https://github.com/sofastack/sofa-boot/releases
转自 https://www.oschina.net/news/112109/sofa-boot-3-2-1-released