Evergreen 社区为开源图书馆管理系统 Evergreen 发布了两个维护版本,分别是 3.1.8 和 3.2.2。这些版本包含 2018 Evergreen Hack-A-Way 期间所做的工作,以及其他重要的错误修复。可通过 Evergreen 下载页面下载这些新版本。
在 Evergreen 3.2.1 的基础上,Evergreen 3.2.2 包括以下的改进
- Fixes a bug that blocked logging in from mobile browsers
- Fixes a readability issue with mobile menus
- Fixes performance issue related to grid tooltips.
- Fixes an issue that caused some grid columns to appear empty.
- Improves the functionality of setting a default tab of a bib record
- The web client now remembers the most recently selected copy template
- Adds help tips to Print Item Labels Settings tab
- If you add or edit copies and/or volumes from the Holdings View tab, the view now automatically refreshes to show your changes.
- Provides an upgrade to MODS 3.3 for older Evergreen installations.
- Improves usability of Z39.50 MARC View.
- Fixes a daylight savings time-related circulation bug.
- Fixes a bug that caused deleted items to show up on the holds shelf.
- Staff can now place multiple email addresses into the patron registration/ edit form, depending on the value of the
library setting. - Fixes an issue with the offline circulation module.
- When merging two users, the non-lead account is now completely purged from the database, rather than simply being marked as deleted.
- Fixes a bug which prevented the canceling of holds from the title record.
- Removes incorrect copy counts from metarecord search results pages
- Electronic resources now display in the browse interfaces
- Restores ability to request password resets
- The example Apache 2.4 configuration now enables remoteip.
- Improves syntax in the fm_idl file.
在 Evergreen 3.1.7 的基础上,Evergreen 3.1.8 包括以下的改进
- Fixes a bug that blocked logging in from mobile browsers
- Fixes a readability issue with mobile menus
- Fixes performance issue related to grid tooltips.
- Improves the functionality of setting a default tab of a bib record
- The web client now remembers the most recently selected copy template
- Adds help tips to Print Item Labels Settings tab
- If you add or edit copies and/or volumes from the Holdings View tab, the view now automatically refreshes to show your changes.
- Provides an upgrade to MODS 3.3 for older Evergreen installations.
- Improves usability of Z39.50 MARC View.
- Staff can now place multiple email addresses into the patron registration/ edit form, depending on the value of the
library setting. - Fixes an issue with the offline circulation module.
- When merging two users, the non-lead account is now completely purged from the database, rather than simply being marked as deleted.
- Removes incorrect copy counts from metarecord search results pages
- Electronic resources now display in the browse interfaces
- The example Apache 2.4 configuration now enables remoteip.
- Improves syntax in the fm_idl file.
请访问 Evergreen 下载页面进行下载并阅读完整的版本说明。
转自 https://www.oschina.net/news/102034/evergreen-3-1-8-and-3-2-2-released